Monday, April 18, 2011


I would tell my student that I expect them to follow school and departmental policy. I would show them what the policies are, to make sure that they know them.  They would be expected to be on time.  They would also be expected complete the assignments that they are given and to show up to lessons prepared.  They would also be expected ask question and let me know if they are confused about things.  I would want them to let me know what I need to improve or what I could do to improve their learning experiene. 

They should expect the same out of me.  They should expect me to be on time.  They should expect me to come prepared for the lesson.  They should expect me to keep them informed on their progress and to the best of my ability help them achieve their goals.  They can expect me to be honest.  If I don't know an answer I will find out the answer for them and not lie.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Student from another instructor

First thing that I'm going to look at in their folder is what lessons that they have completed.  This will at least give you an general idea of what they know and what the instructor has covered.  I would want to look at what ever notes that anyone may have put in the folder or on the specific lessons.  This would help me get more of an idea of what areas they were strong in or week in.  It would also be good to look at comments on any previous stage check they may have taken.

Previous instructor
I would want to talk to the previous instructor to get more information and clarify information from the folder that I had just looked at.  I would want to know what they had covered and not covered.  I would also want to know what they thought the student strengths and weaknesses are.  ask about the student personality.  What type of teaching technique may be best for them.  And also if there is anything else usefull they could tell me.

Ask the student
I would want to start by getting to know the student.  Asking them their personality and what their interest are.  Then I would ask them similar question to what I had asked their previous instructor and read in their file.  Would want to judge what they think they have covered vs what it is said in their file.  Would want to see if they knew what their weaknesses and strengths are.

Ground Knowledge
I would give them some ground briefings and assignments to asses where they are.  I would also ask them some questions. This should be able to provide me with an idea of what level they are on with their ground knowledge.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Landing plateau

It I am finding that my student is having a hard time getting over a landing plateau there are a couple different things that I would try to help them get over it.  I would not just stick with just practice lessons the whole time.  I would make sure that they still have some self cofidence in their flying.  I would consider having them do some maeuvers that I know that they are good at.  Maybe even have them go for a flight for fun or for pleasure.  I would make sure they are still enjoying what they are doing.

I would also have them go out on a flight with another instructor.  This has helped me out during my training and I think it would be great for anyone.  It would provide them with another view on what they are doing.  Maybe another person may notice something that you didn't notice or they may even have a technique for teaching leasons that you don't use that would work great for your student.  They is no problem with doing this.

If you student is struggling there is no problem with going and talking to your supervisor early on.  They are a great resource for you.  They have great experience and may be able to help you or your student in aiding them to get over the plateau.

I am not sure exactly how many hours or reviews that I would wait till before I would have that "aviation isn't for you talk".  I would make sure that I had worked with people and tried everything possible first.  It would be a last resort for me and I hope to never have to do such a thing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog #4 Visualization, Landing, Captains

Visualization Article

This whole article will be very useful in my teaching.  It has shown me the importance of using visualization as a teaching tool to help my student succeed.  I will use to technetium to explain to my student the importance of visualization and how to use it.  It should their success rate increase and help them get out of situations they me be stuck on.

Mastering the Landing

From this article I will take what it talks about how some instructors  maek a series of low approaches just above the runway and minimum controllable airspeed.  I like the idea of using this as a tool to help you students transition into landing on their own.

Training future captains

From this article I realized the importance of training pilot who are interested in going to the airlines.  How you should be training them to think as a captain and how them must work together.  I also understand that there are certain important subjects that are important to emphasize.  Some of these subjects are FAR's, weather, radio communication, smooth rides, and use of checklists.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog #3 Assessment Article

What is formative assessment? 

Formative assessments refers to measurements and conclusions that are made during the course of a learning program.  This method is intended to determine  whether or not an existing learning program is functioning satisfactorily or should be modified before it is completed.

What is summative assessments?

Summative assessment refers to measurement made at the end of a learning unit or learning program.  It will result in final judgment about the achievement of learners and the effectiveness of learning activities.


Criterion referenced assessments are intended to determin whether or not a learner has achieved an objectively set level of competence.


Norm referensed assessments are usually selected when learners are studying material for which there is no agreement on what a person must know


Self-referenced assessments are used when the learning goals are personal.

Self-directed learning

People that are self-directed learners take the initiative and the responsibility for what occurs.  They are able to manage and asses their own learning activities.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blog #1 Constructivist vs. Positivist

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that seeks to define "knowlege," that seeks to explain what is means "to know" something, that seeks to understand how humans come to "know" things.

 Positivist believe knowledge to be a thing.  They say it's born of scientific investigation.  Certain facts, truths, relationships exist and they can be found if we explore the world.  Knowledge constitutes factual and verifiable information.  Knowledge and information are the same thing.

Constructivist believe knowledge can be defined as something very different from verifiable facts.  When talking about knowledge it is the meaning assigned to facts that matter not just the facts.  The facts are inert and meaningless until we attempt to interpret them and make them into a coherent picture.  Knowledge is a matter of human interpretations.  There is no knowledge with out a knower. 

I identify with the Positivist.  I believe that facts speak for themselves and don't change due to human interpretation.  No matter what people think things will stay the same.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Post #6

I felt that I learned a lot from this class.  Getting a great knolege base is making things a lot easier and saving me a lot of time as I'm starting to work with my instructor.  Not only is this saving me time it is saving me money.  Going over all of the procedures has made the transition into the airplane a lot easier then I think would have been other wise.  I am able to learn things quicker and also able to retain what I am taught.

I do feel that writing my thoughts down in the block was was limited in it's helpfulness, but I think it would have been better if we had gotten more feedback from other students.  I guess that students that had got responses did find if more helpful.

I am also very glad we took a day and went out to the airport.  This made learning preflight and the components  very easy.

I give the class two thumbs up.